Hi. This site is a work in progress. It's going to be ugly for a while, sorry.
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Great, the code font works now. I'm feeling like shit so I'm just going to say whatever and make this pretty later. FUCK. Here it goes. You know that the gender dysphoria is getting bad when you come up with an elaborate dragon kidnapping fantasy to vent your desire to be a prince onto.

Other thoughts for separate pages;
Classes of angel in the LoZ series. Like, Hyrule's deities have an interesting relationship with birds and winged creatures. The loftwings. The Oocca are said to be closer to the gods than other beings in Hyrule are. The great fairies and lesser fairies seem to act in the goddess' interests, helping out Link. Hylia is depicted as having angel wings. Kaepora Gaebora helps link. The ancient statues that resemble owls in TP. I dunno, I just think there's something to this line of thought that compells me. What if the true form of the gods of Hyrule are not humanoid, as popular Hylian depictions and tales render them, but birds? Also I want to classify fairies, the Oocca, and maybe dragons/certain kinds of constructs as Hyrulian angels (or angel-equivalents). You see, I see the concept of angels as being less of a specific class of creature with specific physical attributes, and more as an entity designed by a higher power to serve as vessel through which the higher power can influence the world. Akin to robots with programmed functions. They all serve a similar narative purpose, and that is to play out the will of Hyrule's gods.
I am also saying this because I think it's a very pagan and funny approach to angels. Fuck the biblical classes of angels, what's your favorite Hyrulian angel. I like the Oocca. I would like to have some freaky person-faced birs living in my backyard.